Category: Congo National Parks

  • Mount Nyiragongo

    Mount Nyiragongo

    Mount Nyiragongo is the Congo’s beauty and the top tourist attraction that attracts various travelers come to hike the amazing active volcano and its one of the best tourist destinations in Congo, attractive and exciting active volcano in  Africa that last erupted recently, its known as the lava lake and it is popularly known for…

  • Kahuzi Biega national park

    Kahuzi Biega national park

    Kahuzi Biega national park is known as the oldest tourism safari destination in Democratic Republic of Congo that is situated near Bukavu town in the western bank of Lake Kivu. Kahuzi Biega national park is one of the popular destination known for the Eastern lowland gorillas in the entire East Africa, that’s why the park…

  • Virunga National Park

    Virunga National Park

    Virunga National Park is a popular safari destination on a Congo safari. Virunga National Park is known as a home of the Apes giant species the gorillas, mammals, reptiles, bird species, amphibians and many others. The park is located on the eastern edge of the Congo Basin, Virunga is graded as the world’s second-largest tropical…

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