Kandt House Museum In Rwanda

Kandt House Museum In Rwanda : The Kandt house museum is operated by the institute of national museums of Rwanda. It’s as well among the top museums in Kigali and it was dedicated to Richard Kandt. The museum aims at demonstrating the development of life by documenting the flora and fauna of Rwandan National Parks. The Kandt House Museum was previously known as a natural history museum where it demonstrated the three mountains as well as the best perspective of the old Kigali city. The museum is located about one kilometer from the city Centre.

Richard Kandt was the Rwanda’s first German colonial governor. The museum bears his name and the life and acts of Richard in Rwanda are discussed below;

It houses artworks that show social, economic and political life prior to the colonial period. It also depicts the Rwandan people experience throughout the colonial period. The museum covers Kigali’s history before, during and after colonial era. Kigali was appointed the country’s capital on independence in 1962. It’s noted that after the Berlin conference in 1884, the Germans controlled Rwanda until 1916 when the Belgians took it under the League of Nations Mandate following the World War 1.

The museum has three major sections and these include;


 The first section shows the Rwandan life before the colonial period in all of its social, economic and political dimensions. Rwanda’s biology is displayed on the north wing. It’s here tourists may see everything from colorful birds to exotic creatures. The section displays several of Rwanda’s animals ranging from little mice to the popular mountain gorilla skulls.

The museum back room is dedicated to volcanism, although it’s located in Germany. It’s here that the tourists will learn more about the formation of volcanoes in Rwanda’s northwest. However the diagrams and visual models provided can teach you other things.


The museums second section is the largest and it explains the experience of Rwandans throughout the colonial period which is known as the period under German control. The German’s governed Rwanda from the time of the berlin conference in 1884 until 1916. Following the World War 1, the Belgians took over under the League of Nations mandate. The life and acts of Richard Kandt in Rwanda are discussed here.


The third section shows Kigali’s history before, during and after colonial times. Kigali was a made the capital city on independence in 1962. The museums south wing is dedicated to Rwanda’s natural resources. There are several gems and minerals available with maps illustrating their occurrence throughout the country. The kandt house museum also has another section with a temporary display of live snakes and a baby crocodile. Therefore while on a visit in this section, you can enjoy the spectacular view of Kigali and the surrounding environment.

Kandt House Museum In Rwanda
Kandt House Museum In Rwanda



This has replaced the previous presidential palace museum and it’s one of the eight museums that comprise the Rwanda institute of national museums and it exhibits magnificent pieces of art by both the locals and foreign arts. Rwanda arts museum is located in Kanombe about 4 kilometers from Kigali international airport. The museum displays Rwandan history as well as the lifestyle of former Rwandan president Juvenal Habyarimana. The museum displays the wreckage of the presidential plane that was shot down in April 1994 which ignited the Rwandan genocide.


Inema was found in 2012 by two brothers, Nkuruziza and Nkuranga who are self-taught painters with a goal of harnessing Rwanda’s untapped potential for art. This is shown by providing exposure to creative individuals and creating jobs for underserved Rwandese areas. The center houses 10 creative artists who live and pursue their artistic talents here. The inema arts center exhibits paintings, sculptures, traditional crafts, mixed media expressions and performs dances and music.


This is one of the largest and busiest market places which has residents going about with their business. Fresh foods and apparel are among the products available. Tourists can buy fresh fruits, fish, eggs, native kitenge, souvenirs, textiles, household supplies among others. Porters are available and may be hired to carry your items and help through the market because they are familiar with it.


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